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At Capacity

Fall '23- Coed Volleyball - Thursday Nights  Volleyball · Co-Ed Beginner/Intermediate/Competitive

Sold Out
Fall 2023
Sep 14 ’23
Oct 19 ’23
Registration Dates:
Aug 2 ’23 – Aug 17 ’23 early bird
Aug 18 ’23 – Sep 15 ’23 regular
D4,  D3,  D2,  D1
Minimum age:
18 years old
Maximum age:
99 years old
Age as of:
Sep 14 ’23
MonTueWedThuFriSatSun 6:00pm to 10:00pm

Coed 6 v 6

Team Fees
Early Bird $400.00 per team + $19.95 Processing Fee
Regular $425.00 per team + $19.95 Processing Fee
Free Agent Fees
Early Bird $70.00 + $2.95 Processing Fee
Regular $75.00 + $2.95 Processing Fee

Fall Coed 6 on 6 Volleyball (Thursday Nights)

When: League Starts September 14th! Thursday Nights. 

Where: Peoples Community Center: 1602 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Tacoma. 

Time:  6:00 pm - 9:00 pm for game start times

Format: Coed 6 on 6 (3 guys and 3 gals, 2 female minimum). Skill divisions offered. 

Cost: Teams $425 / Free Agents $75

Teams must be Paid In Full by the due date in order for Early Bird Specials to apply. 

What's Included?

  • 6 regular season coed volleyball games. Best of 3 sets. 1 game played each week.
  • Playoff tournament for qualifying teams. Play up to 3 additional games.
  • Updated standings and schedules easily viewable online after your game.
  • Awards for league champions 

Is done on a 'first come, first serve' policy. We do not have specific deadlines for registration. However, as soon as the league reaches capacity we will close down registrations.

League Description:
League play runs for 7 consecutive weeks (including potential playoffs). Games consist of best of 3 Sets with 1 game played each hour. Let us know if your team has any specific scheduling requests and how we can accommodate your team! 

League Notes:

Registration is closed

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